Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Forever Changed

The picture above is of a couple from Michigan that visited us in March. They are 2 examples of people who came to love on God's children and went home forever changed. 
Beth used a lawn mower with 3 wheels to cut some tall grass at Casa Hogar Douglas while they were here. Take a minute to read the letter that she recently sent me about what God has done in their lives since then...

Hi Jim, 

You probably don't remember me, but my husband and I were in Monterrey in March with Riverview Church from Michigan. I've been thinking a lot about your ministry lately and praying for all of you with Back2Back. I was curious if you have any specific needs right now that you that could be helped with financial support, since we are unable to be there physically... We are expecting our first child in a few months now and know that we won't be able to get back to Monterrey for a little while. I've been thinking about things like your lawn mower with the broken wheel, and just curious what some of your needs may be and if maybe we could help. 

... I don't remember if you recall us having a conversation about Jason and I not being able to have children. We tried for a very frustrating 2 1/2 years and had seen specialists, and our chances of conceiving were low. It was affecting our marriage and our lives in a huge way, and was very emotional, especially for me. I had actually hoped that while on our mission trip I could get my mind off of it, but found myself struggling while there because of the irony of all the orphans without parents and my own agony of not having a child. Through prayer and tears while on that trip I had decided to let God take control of the situation and I had finally come to peace with either not having kids or the possibility of adoption. We were very surprised to find ourselves pregnant shortly after and according to the ultra sound the date of conception was the day after we got home, which doesn't make sense according to the doctors. It is obviously a God thing. It is also interesting because Jason got saved and baptized on that trip. Anyway, pretty crazy, just wanted to share that with you. 

Thanks for the blog, we really wish to stay involved with B2B and pray for all of you. 


What happened in the lives of Jason & Beth wasn't anything that Back2Back or any of our staff did. It was God who brought change to the lives of this young couple! I always enjoy stories like this. Sometimes the ones most effected are the ones that come to serve "the least of these." Praise God!
Beth & Jason want to help us buy a new lawn mower for the children's home. I know that everytime I start that mower, I'm going to remember what God has done in their lives.
God bless you Beth and Jason! (and your son you are expecting in December)

1 comment:

  1. That is so amazing thank you so much for sharing :)
