Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Landmark is Destroyed

I mentioned about spiritual warfare in my post about Holloween. To state things correctly, ALL of the work that we are involved in at the children's home is spiritual! Sometimes it might appear that we are working with discipline or finances or education or food. The truth is that we are really battling Satan in all of these areas for the very souls of these children!

For a number of years now, we have sensed that there was a building on the children's home campus that was associated with something evil. I have heard numerous testimonies from adults who were former children interned in the children's home that this building in particular was a reminder of sadness and abuse. I have also had groups in the past 3 years who have prayed over our campus and more than one has said they sensed something evil associated with it. This building was a 14'x14' three story water tower. It's origin dates back over 50 years when the property was a rural quinta. Our campus library is less than 4' from this mammoth concrete structure which made demolition very difficult.

This week though, we hired a group of guys to tear this building down and remove all the rubble. To be honest, it feels like a great victory! I have numerous times stood on the highest point in the valley where we are located, next to our chapel, and prayed over our campus. I always ask God to fill every square inch of our property and to send away anything that is not of Him. I believe that would include spirits, people or even buildings! This week I believe God answered this prayer by removing a symbol of something evil! I can not explain everything, but I feel we are cleaner in more ways than one with this building destroyed!

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