Monday, July 5, 2010

Operation Lighthouse at Rio 3

Delivering mattresses for people to sleep on in the Mercy House Church of Rio 3

On June 30, Huricane Alex hit the Mexican Gulf coast and became Tropical Storm Alex as it moved inland. Over the next 2 days, it dumped 40" of rain on the city of Monterrey, causing massive destruction of buildings, roads, bridges and highways. No area of the city was hit harder than the ministry area we call Rio 3. Hundreds of homes were washed away in the middle of the night. Perhaps as many as 1,000 people who once lived in extreme poverty, could now be left with just the clothes on their backs.
We've named our relief effort "Operation Lighthouse." For over 2 years now, I've shared with the American groups that we've brought there to serve, that I believe the church we serve beside is a lighthouse in a dark world. Well the world of Rio 3 has never been darker than it is now. Jesus called us as Christians to be Light to the darkness. While this is a terrible tragedy, I believe it has the potential of being an awesome opportunity to spread the Gospel in practical ways. Please stay tuned to this story because God isn't finished with it yet!

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